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Lit & Sci Committee

This page is under development

President: MikeTull
Vice-President: Graham Mynott
We’ve been hosting Lit & Sci talks at the Town Hall since the Society’s resurrection at the end of 2016. There was a huge amount of work undertaken by the dedicated Committee in getting the Society going again and I’m delighted that we have played our part at the Town Hall in providing a base and helping ticket sales through our volunteers on the front desk. I was invited to join the Committee at the end of that season in spring 2017 and readily agreed because I love the whole story of the Lit & Sci: why it came to be created and the huge diversity of organisations and groups that it has generated over the years.

I’m still the chief officer of Hebden Bridge Community Association, the charity that owns and runs Hebden Bridge Town Hall.
Secretary: Sue Barlow

I have recently retired after over 50yrs in the healthcare arena and find I need to keep busy. I was born in Bury (Lancashire sorry) but moved away in early 1980’s Came back 5 yrs ago to be with family again. I have a clinical background as a Consultant Radiographer and was a Visiting Fellow on the faculty of Derby University teaching Clinical Reporting . I fully support the exchange of views and knowledge that is what I see as the basis of the Literary and Scientific Society , and have been enjoying the meetings which resumed after our enforced break.
Treasurer: Ann Kilbey

I was born in Watford, Hertfordshire, but I couldn’t help that!

I didn’t like school, left after 1 year in the 6th form with a bucket load of “O” levels, well 10 anyway, but nothing else. Started work at Kodak, Harrow but got into computer programming in the 60s, working for Elliott Bros, mainly on defence contracts. Left in 1968 to come north to take up farming at Colden. Later I started work with Calderdale Tourism Unit, from which I retired in 2003 having progressed from casual assistant to being in charge of 3 Tourist Information Centres and responsible for about 20 staff.

When Frank Woolrych inherited Alice Longstaff’s archive in 1992 he approached the TIC to ask about selling prints and postcards, I encouraged him to put on an exhibition. From that small start the Alice Longstaff Gallery Collection grew and is now an integral part of Pennine Horizons Digital Archive, which I manage, under the aegis of Pennine Heritage Ltd.

I joined Hebden Bridge Local History Society over 20 ago and from that I got involved with the Lit & Sci. first as secretary then later as treasurer. The society was then just an umbrella organisation for the Local History and Astronomy Sections. I was pleased to still be associated with the society when it rose from the ashes in 2016 thanks to Frank Woolrych and Andrew Bibby, and to Mark Whittaker who found some excellent speakers.

Barbara Atack
Peter Lord
I was raised in Hebden Bridge and I am an alumnus of Stubbings and Riverside schools. Following a career in academic research and in the Pharmaceutical Industry I am now retired and living in Hebden Bridge keeping busy with voluntary work via the Rotary Club and the Flood Wardens. I was delighted to be invited to join the HB Lit & Sci Soc Committee helping to bring entertaining and informative speakers from various backgrounds in the Arts and Sciences to my home town.

Nina Smith

Roger Gill
I had never been to a Lit & Sci event until last November (2022) when I listened to Louise Doughty speak about writing her novel – Apple Tree Yard – and the way it appeared on TV as a serial drama. I was inspired and kicked myself for the possibility of missing other equally fascinating evenings. The next day, I wrote and offered to fill any gaps on the committee, such was my enthusiasm to be involved in putting on events in the future.

My background, over 46 years is in teaching, advisory work and school inspection. Currently, I am retired but am still very active as a writer and director of a publishing company based in London.